Rye Lane + Doug Menuez

This originally appeared as part of my weekly Prime Lenses Newsletter. You can sign up for a weekly update here.

4th September 2024

This weekend I watched Rye Lane. A gorgeous movie that’s on Hulu in the US and Disney+ here in the UK. It’s the story of Yas and Dom, two twenty-somethings recently out of bad relationships who find each other as well as the odd adventure. It’s fantastically uplifting and is a brilliant first film by director Raine Allen-Miller

It was appropriate timing as the sheer volume of incredible talent on display online from newer in 2024 from younger creative folks was one of the topics covered in my conversation with Doug Menuez this week.

Here’s the trailer;

The thing I liked that related to the podcast was the way that she uses a variety of very wide fish-eye lenses at certain points. It’s a really interesting device. I’ve reached out to Raine and will see if I manage to get to chat to her about it.

The end of Summer

The weather last week in Scotland was glorious so it was a great opportunity to get out and about with the camera. We had a public holiday on Monday, well I say that, it actually wasn’t a holiday in Scotland but it was in England which meant that Alice and I had the day to ourselves while the boys were at school.

Then later in the week I was at the studio for work so 7 hours travel to Middlesbrough, camera strapped to me, as ever :)

I’ve been shooting with the trusty Zeiss and an Urth filter to soften the image a little. It’s a 1/8 filter and I think it softens the images and adds a little bit of bloom in a way that’s really pleasing. It’s barely visible in all but the brightest sunlight, in those conditions it can be a little too bloomy but we’re experimenting here, there are no wrong answers. Next up I’m going to see if I can introduce a little more noise from the camera. I don’t like to add stuff like that later, I’d rather get the real thing out of the camera. In digital that might be an absurd distinction but I love a rule, rules control the fun :D

Macro Moby

So it turns out Moby is a keen photographer. He posted these photos on Threads over the weekend. I have, of course, reached out to see if he’d like to be on the show :)


This is not an email + Milan Swolfs


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