Good Links

Every so often I sit down with folks I work with/ meet through work and there is a list of stuff I write from scratch to share. It's a list of things I think are good and that can be had for free on the internets. I was inspired to write it online by Russell Davies whose book I recently enjoyed on the subject of interesting things.

I should just pop it on the internet, so here is a recent version of it :) I'll probably revisit it at some point. It's mostly about games, with a little bit of knowing things about yourself and being in teams.


Triple Click - thoughtful conversation about games from a group of journalists who've been in the biz a long time. Jason in particular is interesting.

Video Games Chronicle - increasingly this is a really good source of news. I like the reporting.

Nextlander - a group of ex-Giant Bomb folks. I like their show. Interesting takes on games, mostly PC. 

Besties - Great podcast that is a game of the year show that runs all year round. I really enjoy this one.

Game Makers Notebook - this is an overlooked gem, they go deep on making games and it's fascinating. The episodes on Dwarf Fortress were fantastic recently.

Building Better Games - Great podcast on the contemporary thinking around Production in games.

A little bit of optimism - Great series of talks on topics you might not come to ordinarily but are great brain food.

Documentary/ Talks

Psych Odyssey - if you take nothing else from this list, watch this! It's incredible. 7 years worth of behind the scenes on making Psychconauts 2. It's amazing that they allowed a film crew in to film it.

Jason Schrier's books - read these if you can. They're great insights into development even if I don't always agree with his conclusions and what should happen as a result.

NoClip - ex-Gamespot folks making cool behind the scenes docs. Some really good stuff in here.

Trust & Ballz - Ted Price shares his experience growing as a leader. I really like the honesty here.

Personal Development

Designing your Life - I LOVE Dave, you’ll see why

Getting Real about Managing Up - I show this to anyone who works on a team for me.

Idea Generation - Really like this short clip of Simon Sinek on ways to get ideas generated in a team.