I get hung up on making Art

I just watched a video on YouTube. Lewis saw me scroll past it on YouTube and asked me why the person making it thought Leica cameras are a waste of money.

I explained that he probably didn’t think they were and we had one of those brilliant conversations you can have with a 9yr old where you follow a labyrinthine route across topics like click bait to the creator economy and beyond.

It was a whole thing.


I watched the video later and Kyle makes a comment in it about his Leica cameras being for the moments that matter and how most photos made with those cameras go nowhere and it struck me that I need to not make this thing I love into a job. I need to just enjoy it like he tries to when using those cameras. It’s why I sold all my other digital cameras and just use that one. It has made my life simpler. So, ahead of a trip to the US next week, I decorated my camera as a reminder.

That’s all. They’re just moments. Maybe they’re great art, maybe they’re something I delete later. Doesn’t matter. It meant something in the moment. I can work the rest out later.


Camera as Data Capture Device


The Travel Packing List